Friday, July 9, 2010

Day 71

This picture sums up my afternoon at work.  One of my co-workers came back from lunch and wanted to know where all of the water was coming from in the drive-thru lane.  I knew exactly what it was.  You see, a couple of months ago (when it was time to turn the sprinklers on for the season), we had ourselves a little gusher in the exact same spot.  The pipes had been run over and crushed.  We had the sprinkler company come out and they fixed it.  This time...way bigger rush of water.  You can't tell how deep this little well is, but let me just say that it is NOT shallow.  I spent some time shoveling out the water to see if the leak was caused by the same issue.  In case you can't tell, the pipes below (the ones that were just replaced) look great.  Unfortunately, it means that the leak is more than likely UNDER the drive-thru.  Awesome.

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